On this page you will find details of three publications, all prepared and published by the World Association of Veterinary Anatomists - Nomina anatomica veterinaria, Nomina histologica veterinaria and Nomina embryologica veterinaria.
Nomina anatomica veterinaria, Sixth edition - 2017
Prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature ICVGAN
This new edition focuses on the stability and continuity of former nomenclatory conventions, while presenting a number of changes that were necessary in view of the harmonization of the anatomical, histological and embryological veterinary nomenclatures. These changes, limited in number and impact, are typed in blue for easy identification.
Nomina Histologica Veterinaria, First edition – 2017
Prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Histological Nomenclature ICVHN
After more than 50 years of preparation, the first edition of the Nomina Histologica Veterinaria presents a structured lists of the terminologies of veterinary cytology, general histology and special histology (i.e. microscopic anatomy).
As a major innovation, all the Latin terms listed are accompanied by English equivalents, as English is internationally used in scientific histologic literature and communication. The ICVHN is fully aware that a task such as the establishment of a comprehensive list of histological terms in Latin and English cannot be faultless. Therefore any co-operative feedback from colleagues and other users is highly welcomed and appreciated. Suggestions will be carefully considered and shall be integrated into the final version to be adopted at the next General Assembly of the WAVA in 2018 (Hannover).
Nomina embryologica veterinaria, Second edition - revised version, 2017
Prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Embryological Nomenclature ICVEN
The present revised version of the Nomina Embryologica Veterinaria differs from the second edition published in 2006 by taking into account the recommendations of the Nomenclature Coordinating Committee which convened on June 19, 2016 in Ghent (Belgium) for discussing the discrepancies between the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (N.A.V.), Nomina Histologica Veterinaria (N.H.V.) and Nomina Embryologica Veterinaria (N.E.V.). Proposals to obtain uniformity were approved and resulted in a few changes that are indicated in blue in the revised version published herewith.
The history and constitution of WAVA
A full account of the history and constitution of the WAVA is available as a pdf-file. A brief summary of the aims and history is presented here.
The aims of the Association
The aims of the Association are to gather people working physically or theoretically in all fields of anatomy of domestic animals, to encourage meetings for the study of the anatomy of domestic animals, to promote research and the dissemination of new knowledge of veterinary anatomy,to encourage the teaching of veterinary anatomy using modern techniques, to promote a better knowledge of anatomy in the fields of the applied sciences, especially in veterinary practice, and to encourage exchange of information with all interested persons and organizations, particularly with specialists in human anatomy and comparative anatomy.
The Association is affiliated with the World Veterinary Association.
A brief history of the establishment of WAVA
WAVA began as a "suggestion" made by Prof. Clement Bressou (Alfort) in 1955 at the International Anatomical Congress held in Paris. The proposal to form an International Association of Veterinary Anatomists came in response to the Paris revision of the (human) Nomina Anatomica (NA). The revision deliberately ignored the problems of comparative anatomy so that the NA was of little use to veterinary anatomists. In the same vein, the International Commission for Veterinary Education laid down international standards that completely ignored the views of veterinary anatomists and the needs for the teaching of veterinary anatomy.
The International Association of Veterinary Anatomists was founded in September 1957 in Freiburg (Germany) at the 54th Congress of the Anatomische Gesellschaft; twenty-two veterinary anatomists were present at the 1st General Assembly. WAVA met in conjunction with the Congresses of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), which meets every five years (1980 Mexico, 1985 London, 1989 Rio de Janeiro,1994 Lisbon, etc.) and with the World Veterinary Congress held by the World Veterinary Association (WVA), which meets every four years (1979 Moscow, 1983 Perth [Australia], 1987 Montreal,1991 Rio de Janeiro,etc.). This is why our General Assemblies were held at irregular intervals. The election of officers took place every four years at the meeting held with the World Veterinary Congress. At the 5th General Assembly in Vienna (1961), the name was changed to World Association of Veterinary Anatomists and the American and Japanese Associations of Veterinary Anatomists became the first two collective members of WAVA.
Publications and journals of WAVA
The official publication organ of WAVA is the scientific journal
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C
published by the Blackwell Company. Its editor in chief is Prof. Dr. F. Sinowatz, University of Munich, Germany.
Subscription rate:
WAVA members are entitled to a substantially reduced annual subscription rate of 146 Euros or 156 US$, respectively.
Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals
Manson Publishing Ltd offers a 15% discount to WAVA members on
Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals
This is the English version of a Textbook and Atlas by H. E. König and H.-G. Liebich
Anatomie comparée des Mammifères domestiques
Barone R. (avec R. Bortolami)
comparée des Mammifères domestiques
Tome 6: Neurologie I. Système nerveux central
652 pp., 264 figs. ISBN 2-7114-8194-8, €60,00.
Paris, Vigot Frères éditeurs, 2004
The Zietzschmann-Preuss Award
The Zietzschmann-Preuss Award is awarded anually for the promotion of veterinary embryological research.
It is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. phil., Dr. med. vet. h.c. Otto Zietzschmann, veterinary anatomist in Zürich (1906-1924) and Hannover (1924-1948).
The award was donated by Prof. a.D. Dr. Fritz Preuss, veterinary anatomist in Berlin (1955-1979) and a pupil of O. Zietzschmann
The award is conferred under the auspices of the World Association of Veterinary Anatomists according to a resolution adopted by the 19th General Assembly of WAVA (Zürich, 1994).
For full details, please refer to the Zietzschmann-Preuss Award Website.