Awarded anually for the promotion of veterinary embryological research.
For full details, please refer to the Zietzschmann-Preuss Award Website.
The biennial congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomy (EAVA) will be held at Toulouse, France, in July, hosted by the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT).
You will find full details of the congress, including information and registration, on the EAVA TOULOUSE internet page. The congress is sponsored by anatomy imagining company IMAIOS, Phylum and Biodur.
WAVA is an international association representing and promoting all aspects of veterinary anatomy. It's objectives include to amalgamate those working physically or theoretically in any field of domestic animal anatomy, be it gross, microscopic or ultrastructural; to encourage the study of domestic animal anatomy; to promote research and dissemination of new knowledge of veterinary anatomy; to encourage the use of modern methods of teaching in veterinary anatomy; to promote better knowledge of anatomy in applied science and to encourage exchange of information and contacts with all interested persons and organizations. In particular, it encourages active collaboration with the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (human anatomy) and the World Veterinary Association.
As the umbrella organisation for the world's veterinary anatomy associations, WAVA has the responsibility for veterinary anatomical nomenclature. It has published, and regularly reviews, volumes for gross anatomy, histology and embryological anatomy - Nomina anatomica veterinaria, Nomina histologica veterinaria and Nomina embryologica veterinaria. It does this through a series of international nomenclature committees.
Membership of WAVA is open to all who work in some way with veterinary anatomy. If this includes you, please consider membership. If you would like more information about WAVA or its activities, please contact the Secretary General.
This edition harmonises the terminology of the NAV, NHV and NEV. These changes are typed in blue for easy identification. Note that this is a text-based version, not the illustrated version available in book form.
The Nomina Histologica Veterinaria (NHV) is a structured terminology of veterinary cytology, and general and special histology (i.e. microscopic anatomy). All the Latin terms are accompanied by English equivalents. Since this is a 1st edition, feedback is highly welcomed.
This revised edition of the 2006 NEV attempts to eliminate discrepancies between the NAV, NHV and NEV. Alterations are typed in blue for easy identification.
Please note the publication of three new textbooks in veterinary anatomy by Dr. M.S.A. Kumar and Dr. Balaji Ramanathan, of which this is the first.
For more details, please click on this link to download a flyer Dog Dissection
This is the second of three new textbooks in veterinary anatomy by Dr. M.S.A. Kumar and Dr. Balaji Ramanathan.
For more details, please click on this link to download a flyer Clinical Dog Cat Anatomy
This is the third of three new textbooks in veterinary anatomy by Dr. M.S.A. Kumar and Dr. Balaji Ramanathan.
This flyer has a QR code where you can access a sample chapter
For more details, please click on this link to download a flyer Equine Anatomy